Monday, June 13, 2011

Aeta 2 project is located in Brgy. Belbel, Botolan, Zambales. This is a small village where the members of the community are related to one another. The village population is 90. The project started last 2006. Last February 2010, the missionaries conducted a crusade in the village 2 and ½ years after their last crusade. There were 49 Aeta’s baptized. As of now, 16-20 Aeta’s from the 49 baptized was left in the village. The rest of the baptized Aeta’s went to town and stayed in the resettlement area. The missionaries are now continuing the nurturing program. Hernani had been busy with conducting Chronological Bible Study (CBS) review, adult literacy, serenading homes and havig worship with the houses of the members.

 Chronological Bible study 
(The students have already learned religious songs from the 
missionaries so they could lead the singing before starting their study.)

 People in mission fields call the missionaries "doctor". But the truth is,
they are just PHD (para hong doktor).

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